To answer this we should look at the verse that relate to this matter. Almighty
Allah عَزَّوَجَلَّ Says:
ٱللَّهَ عِندَهُۥ عِلْمُ ٱلسَّاعَةِ وَيُنَزِّلُ ٱلْغَيْثَ وَيَعْلَمُ مَا فِى
ٱلْأَرْحَامِ ۖ وَمَا تَدْرِى نَفْسٌ مَّاذَا تَكْسِبُ غَدًا ۖ وَمَا تَدْرِى نَفْسٌۢ
بِأَىِّ أَرْضٍ تَمُوتُ ۚ إِنَّ ٱللَّهَ عَلِيمٌ خَبِيرٌۢ
Indeed Allah (عَزَّوَجَلَّ) has the knowledge of the Last Day! And He sends down the rain;
and He knows all what is in the mothers’ wombs; and no soul knows what it will
earn tomorrow; and no soul knows the place where it will die; indeed Allah (عَزَّوَجَلَّ)
is the All Knowing, the Informer. (He عَزَّوَجَلَّ may reveal the knowledge to whomever He
wills.) [Luqman 31:34]
And He عَزَّوَجَلَّ Says:
يَعْلَمُ مَا تَحْمِلُ كُلُّ أُنثَىٰ وَمَا تَغِيضُ ٱلْأَرْحَامُ وَمَا تَزْدَادُ
ۖ وَكُلُّ شَىْءٍ عِندَهُۥ بِمِقْدَارٍ ﴿٨﴾
Allah (عَزَّوَجَلَّ) knows all what in inside the womb of every female, and every
increase and decrease of the wombs; and all things are with Him by a set
measure. [Raad 13:8]
If one reads
the Arabic text of this verse, they will find that there is no Arabic word that
corresponds to the English word “sex” or “gender”. The Holy Quran mentions only
the knowledge of “what” is in the womb. Many have misunderstood this to mean
the gender of the child in the womb, which is incorrect.
Today, science
has indeed advanced, and we can easily determine the gender of the child in the
womb of a pregnant mother using ultrasound scanning.
Therefore, the
above verse refers to every aspect of the fetus’ present and future existence.
What will be the child’s nature? Will the child be a blessing or a curse to the
parents? What will happen to him or her throughout or a curse to the parents?
What will happen to him or her throughout life? Will he or she do good or evil?
How long will she or he live? Will he or she end up in Paradise or Hell?
Almighty Allah عَزَّوَجَلَّ alone knows all of this…
no scientist in the world and no matter how advanced the technology, will ever
be able to determine these things about a child in the mother’s womb.
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