
Monday 19 March 2018

Changing The Design Of A Table Access 2013

In Section 2, “Creating a custom Web App,” we demonstrate how the desktop interface can allow you to display content both by using the Table Selector and by showing the navigation pane. You can use either of these interfaces to enter design view and change the design of your table. Here we show how to enter design view from the table in the Table Selector. (If you prefer the navigation pane, right-click an object to see similar options.) 

In Access 2013, the available data types for fields have changed, and the most obvious change is that a Text field is now called a Short Text field and a Memo field is called a Long Text field. However, there are some other differences between the avail­able data types in a Web App compared to a desktop database.

Change the design of a table:

1. Right-click a table, and select Edit Table. 
2. Click the Data Type drop-down arrow to see the available choices of data types. 

Change the design of a table:

The following table describes the data types that are available. For each data type, we show in parentheses the SQL Server data type that is used to store the data. 

Data type
Description (SQL Server data type)
Short Text
Unicode Text field allowing a maximum of 4,000 characters (nvarchar(4000)). The default is 220 characters.
Long Text
Large amounts of text (corresponds to a nvarchar(max), 2^30–1 bytes in SQL Server 2012).
Whole number with no decimal places (int), Floating-point number (float), and Fixed-point number (decimal(28,6), six decimal places).
Date (date), Time (time(3)), and Date with Time (datetime2(3)).
Money (decimal(28,6)).
(bit) True, False (default is False).
Large amount of text (nvarchar(max)).
Binary Image data (varbinary(max) 2^31-1 bytes in SQL Server 2012).
Calculated field using SQL Server functions. Storage depends on expression.
Creates a foreign key lookup. (Lookup foreign key stored as integer (int)).
TIP: Behind the scenes in Office 365, your data is stored in Microsoft SQL Server for a corporate solution or using Micro­soft SQL Azure in conjunction with Office 365. SQL Server is similar to Access in being a relational database but it is more scalable (so it can handle more data that the normal Access Database), and SQL Azure is a version of SQL Server that it is the platform that Microsoft use to deliver data on the web. We only explain the underlying SQL Server data types here for reference; you don’t need to learn anything new to use this.

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