
Friday 30 March 2018

Designing With A Datasheet View Access 2013

A Datasheet view is the simplest view to create. This view tabu­lates the data and displays your fields as columns. Although it is extremely simple, when combined with the abilities to filter data, sort data, and reorder the columns, it is a very powerful method to quickly present a tabulation of your data. 

In a List Details view, before you can edit data, you need to use the action bar to put the record into edit mode. However, in the Datasheet view, you can edit data without doing this and move to the next record to continue editing another record, which automatically saves the changes from the previously edited row. This is a unique and very powerful feature of a Web App datasheet. 

The Record Source property (where the view gets the data) allows you to choose from the table or any queries that include the table. 

Create a Datasheet view:

1. Locate the table in the Table Selector. 
2. Click the plus sign. 
3. Type a name for the view, select Datasheet as the view type, and select the record source. 
4. Click Add New View. 
5. When the new view is displayed, click Edit. 
Format a field:
1. Click a field to format.
2. Click the formatting charm.
3. Change the formatting.

TIP: You can delete fields by pressing the Delete key. You can select multiple fields and move them as a group by using the Ctrl key, and add new fields by using the Field List.

Designing With A List Details View Access 2013

A view in a Web App is similar to a form in a desktop database. There are four types of views; List Details, Datasheet, Summary, and Blank. The List Details view is a powerful feature. In its simplest form, it has a vertical tabulation of the available records on the left side of the view, and when a record is selected, the record details are displayed on the right side of the view. 

The layout capabilities of this view mean that as you delete, add, or move fields, the layout automatically moves other fields to accommodate the position of the new fields, simplifying the process of altering the view. The Record Source field (where the view gets the data) allows you to choose from the table or any queries that include the table. 

Create a List Details view:

1. Locate the object in the Table Selector. 
2. Click the plus sign. 
3. Type a name for the view, select List Details as the view type, and select the record source. 
4. Click Add New View. 
5. When the new view is displayed, click Edit. 

TIP: In the lower part of a view, you may have a related item control (Orders in our example). To resize the control, click to select it (it will change color when selected); you can then grab the top edge of the control (the mouse shape will change when hovering over the edge) and resize the control. 

Remove fields:

1. Click a field. 
2. Hold down the Ctrl key to select multiple fields and labels. Press the Delete key to remove the fields. 
3. Select any other fields to be repositioned, and drag the fields to close up white space. 

TIP: By using the Ctrl key, you can select multiple controls and move them around the layout. After selecting the controls, move the mouse over the area until a crossing arrows symbol is displayed, and then click the left mouse button and drag the controls to a new position. As you move the controls around, other controls will change position, opening up a gap into which you can position the new controls.

Add fields:

Select a field from the Field List on the right side. 
Drag the field to a new position on the display area. 
As you move over other fields, they will make space to allow the new control to be positioned. 

CAUTION: Although you can select multiple fields in the Field List, when you use the dragging action to add the fields, only the first field will be added.

Creating A Lookup/Relationship Access 2013

A Web App allows you to create a lookup, which ties or relates data between tables. (The relationship concept is described in Section 4, “Creating a desktop database,” for a desktop database.) The Web App does not have a separate area for viewing relationships. You can view them for individual tables by selecting Modify Lookups in the Table Tools group on the Design tab. 

A Web App simplifies the design process by keeping you focused on creating lookups between tables. The terms relationship and lookup mean the same thing in a Web App, and in the popup window used to create the lookup, you will see options similar to those available for creating relationships in a desktop database.

Create A Lookup:

1. On a blank line in the Field Name column, type a name for the lookup. 
2. In the Data Type column, select the Lookup data type. 
3. Select the option to look up data from a table or query. 
4. Select the table from which you want to get a value. 
5. Select the field to display. 
6. Choose how the related records are managed. 
7. Click OK. 

TIP: The lower part of the Lookup Wizard screen displays the optional rules for defining a relationship between the tables. 
Create a lookup 

8. Click Save. 
9. Click View. 
10. When viewing the data, you can see the Autocomplete control displaying the lookup data. 
11. In the browser, you can type data into the new field that was automatically added to the List Details view. 

TIP: If you have not changed the design of any views associated with your table, the added field automatically displays in the updated List Details view and Datasheet view for the table.

Tuesday 27 March 2018


| Salat-un-Nabi | Sahaba Karam | Prophet Muhammad ﷺ | Book |
Detail Of 40 Hadith Of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ About Reward Of Salat-un-Nabi Which Are Given Below To Read Complete Please Click On Topic...

S #
S #
S #

There Are 8 Different Hadith's About Disadvantages Of Not Reciting Of Salat-Un-Nabi ﷺ Whitch Are Given Below To Read Complete Please Click On Hahith Number...

Hadith – 1          Hadith – 2            Hadith – 3            Hadith – 4
Hadith – 5          Hadith – 6            Hadith – 7            Hadith – 8

Companions Of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ: 
Here are some Saying About The Salat-Un-Nabi ﷺ How It Is Best For Reader And How It Help The Reader's In His Life And In The Day Of Judgment. Which Are Given Below...
  1. Sayyiduna Abu Bakr Siddeeq رَضِىَ اللهُ تَعَالٰی عَـنْهُ
  2. Sayyidatuna ‘Aaishah Siddiqah رَضِیَ الـلّٰـهُ تَـعَالٰی عَـنْهَا
  3. Sayyiduna ‘Umar Farooq-e-A’zam رَضِىَ الـلّٰـهُ تَـعَـالٰی عَـنْـهُ
  4. Sayyiduna ‘Ali-Ul-Murtada کَـرَّمَ الـلّٰـهُ تَـعَـالٰی وَجۡـھَـهُ الۡـکَـرِیۡم
  5. Sayyiduna ‘Abdullah Ibn ‘Amr Bin ‘Aas رَضِىَ الـلّٰـهُ تَـعَـالٰی عَـنْـهُمَا 

Monday 19 March 2018

Changing The Design Of A Table Access 2013

In Section 2, “Creating a custom Web App,” we demonstrate how the desktop interface can allow you to display content both by using the Table Selector and by showing the navigation pane. You can use either of these interfaces to enter design view and change the design of your table. Here we show how to enter design view from the table in the Table Selector. (If you prefer the navigation pane, right-click an object to see similar options.) 

In Access 2013, the available data types for fields have changed, and the most obvious change is that a Text field is now called a Short Text field and a Memo field is called a Long Text field. However, there are some other differences between the avail­able data types in a Web App compared to a desktop database.

Change the design of a table:

1. Right-click a table, and select Edit Table. 
2. Click the Data Type drop-down arrow to see the available choices of data types. 

Change the design of a table:

The following table describes the data types that are available. For each data type, we show in parentheses the SQL Server data type that is used to store the data. 

Data type
Description (SQL Server data type)
Short Text
Unicode Text field allowing a maximum of 4,000 characters (nvarchar(4000)). The default is 220 characters.
Long Text
Large amounts of text (corresponds to a nvarchar(max), 2^30–1 bytes in SQL Server 2012).
Whole number with no decimal places (int), Floating-point number (float), and Fixed-point number (decimal(28,6), six decimal places).
Date (date), Time (time(3)), and Date with Time (datetime2(3)).
Money (decimal(28,6)).
(bit) True, False (default is False).
Large amount of text (nvarchar(max)).
Binary Image data (varbinary(max) 2^31-1 bytes in SQL Server 2012).
Calculated field using SQL Server functions. Storage depends on expression.
Creates a foreign key lookup. (Lookup foreign key stored as integer (int)).
TIP: Behind the scenes in Office 365, your data is stored in Microsoft SQL Server for a corporate solution or using Micro­soft SQL Azure in conjunction with Office 365. SQL Server is similar to Access in being a relational database but it is more scalable (so it can handle more data that the normal Access Database), and SQL Azure is a version of SQL Server that it is the platform that Microsoft use to deliver data on the web. We only explain the underlying SQL Server data types here for reference; you don’t need to learn anything new to use this.

Importing From An Access Desktop Database Access 2013

If you have an existing Access Desktop database, you can import the tables and, optionally, the data from that database into a new Web App. The data can be imported from a variety of sources, including an Access desktop database. 

Where possible, the process of importing data will also import relationships between your tables and convert these to look­ups. If you don’t have an appropriate database available to investigate the techniques described in this section, you can refer to Section 1, “About this book,” for information about how to download the sample data that we have used in preparing this section of the book. 

We start with a new custom Web App into which we will import existing data. 

Import an Access database:
  1. Click Table on the Home tab of the ribbon. 
  2. On the Add Tables screen, click Access. 
  3. Click Browse. 
  4. Locate the Access desktop database file. (If you do not already have an accessible database file, you will not be able to complete any further steps until you have installed or created one.) 
  5. Click Open. 
  6. Click OK. 
Import an Access database:
  • 7 Select the tables to import, or click Select All. 
  • 8 Click Options to display further options when importing data. 
  • 9 Choose to import or exclude the relationships. 
  • 10 Choose to import either definitions only or definitions and data. 
  • 11 Click OK. During the import process, your existing relationships will be converted into Lookup data types. 
  • 12 Right-click the table that has relationships to other tables, and select Edit Table. The relationship is now shown as a Lookup data type. 
  • 13 Close the table. 
CAUTION: Data types such as Attachments or OLE Objects are not supported in a Web App and will be excluded from the import process.

Creating A Web App Using A Template Access 2013

Access has a number of application templates that you can use to create complete applications. When these templates start with a name beginning with Desktop, they generate desktop databases, and the other templates will generate Web Apps. 

After you start Access, the initial screen shows a choice of both desktop and Web App database templates. 
Create a Web App using a template:

1. Click the appropriate template in the Office Start Screen. 
2. Type a name for your Web App in the App Name text box. 
3. Type your Office 365 URL in the Web Location text box, or select from the Available Locations list. 
4. Click Create.

Finding Your Site And Navigating To The Team Site Access 2013

Your team site contains all your Web Apps. If you start by launching your Web App, you can use the Navigate Up menu choice to get to the site, or you can get to the site from your main Office 365 Account area. On the left menu, the Recent choices will display a list of Recent items. Use the Site Contents to display all items on the site. 

If you are using a different computer, where your copy of Access does not have your site located as a Recent item, you can go to Team Site – Site Contents and open your Web App in Access. 

Find a site:
  1. Click Back To Site. 
  2. Click Site Contents. 
  3. Click the ellipse button (...) to display other options for an application. 
  4. Close the options for the application, and click a Web App to display the application in the browser window. 
  5. Click Customize In Access. 
  6. Click Open to launch your Web App in Access, and answer OK to any further security prompts to open the Web App on your desktop.

Working With A Summary View Access 2013

A summary view is the third way of presenting data. Summary views created by templates typically use By Group as the label in the view selector. Summary views allow you to view a tabulation of data by grouping on a particular field. You can also filter the grouping field to limit the displayed groups. 

A summary view combines a list of values with the related item control, which tabulates the matched records. The view is read-only. 

Work with a summary view:
  1. Find a suitable table that has a By Group view. Click By Group. 
  2. Type any filtering data to reduce the visible groups. 
  3. Click the search symbol, and then click a desired group to display the members of the group. 
  4. In views created by templates, you can click the tabulated record to display a popup window for a detailed record.

Working With The Datasheet View Access 2013

The Datasheet view is the second of three presentations for data; this presentation provides a tabulation of the data and can be scrolled left to right. 

When working with the Datasheet view to enter new data, you can start by typing into a blank row or by clicking the plus sign (+) on the action bar. To edit an existing row, type into a cell in the row. Records and changes are saved when you click a cell in another row. 

The columns can be reordered and adjusted in width, and the rows can be sorted and filtered. 


1. Click Datasheet. 
2. Type new data in a record. After you move out of the first field, the record selector on the left changes to a pencil shape. 
3. Click a cell in any other row to save your changes. 
4. Point to a column heading until the mouse shape changes to a cross. Click, hold, and drag the column to a new column position to reorder the column. 
5. Click the drop-down arrow to display options for filtering and sorting data.

Working With The List View Access 2013

The List view is the first of three presentations of data shown for the selected table. The List view is split into two areas. The first area, called the list control, shows a simple tabular list of the records on the left side of the page, from which you can select 

a specific record. The full details of that record are displayed in the second detail area, on the right side of the List view. As new records are added or removed, the list control area automati­cally updates when the changes in the detail area are saved. 

Work with the List view:
  1. Click List. 
  2. Click the Edit button on the action bar. 
  3. Look for a field that displays the text Find. This is the new Autocomplete control. (In our example, both the Customer and Employee choices are Autocomplete controls.) 
  4. As you type into an Autocomplete control, any matches are displayed. The control also has an <Add A New Item> option. Click this option. 
  5. After choosing to add a new item, type new data values. 
  6. Click the Save button on the action bar. 
  7. Close the window; your newly created record is now displayed as having been selected in the Autocomplete control. 
TIP: In our example for the Orders view, below the main order you can see an area for displaying and entering order details. This uses another new control, called the Related Items Control (RELIC).