
Thursday 8 February 2018

How Many Bodyguard Of Muhammad Ali ( اللہ عزاوجل )

Question:                  Do You Have A Bodyguard ?
Answer M.Ali:      (Counting Sarcastically) Nah, (You Don't?) I Have One Bodyguard. He Has No Eyes. Though He Sees he Has No Ears. Though He Hears He Remembers Every Thing. With The Aid Of Mighty Memory (But Has No Memory) When He Wishes To Create A Thing, He Just Orders It To Be And It Comes Into Existence But His Orders Is Not Commanded With Words.  Which Takes The Tongue To Follow It Or The Sound Carrying Ears He Hears The Secrests Of Those Under Quiet Thoughts. (Assume Who Is That?) That's God, Allah. He's My Bodyguard. He Is Your Bodyguard. 

O Prophet, ﷺ Tell Your Wives And Your Daughters And The Women Of The Believers.
And The Women Of The Believers To Bring Down Over Themselves (Part) Of Their Outer Garments. 
That Is More Suitable That They Will Be Known And Not Be Abused.
And Ever Is Allah Forgiving And Merciful.

Surat Al'Ahzab (33:59)

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