
Monday 26 February 2018

Examples Of Words Of Kufr Uttered Due To Poverty

  • 12. Whoever says, ‘O Allah! Give me sustenance and don’t oppress me by putting me into poverty,’ has uttered Kufr. (Fatawa Qa.i Khan, vol. 3, pp. 467)
  • 13. In order to settle debt and reduce poverty, or to accumulate wealth, when seeking employment with unbelievers, when filling out a visa form, or on an application form to avoid paying certain fees, some people write, or have someone else write for them, that they are an individual of the Christian, Jewish, Qadiyani or any other unbelieving or apostate community; the ruling of Kufr applies to such people.
  • 14. When asking someone for financial help, the one who says or writes that ‘if you don’t help me I will become Qadiyani or Christian’, will immediately become an unbeliever. Even if someone says ‘after 100 years, I will become an unbeliever’, he will become an unbeliever straight away.
  • 15. If someone advises another person to become an unbeliever, then whether or not that person becomes unbeliever, the ruling of Kufr applies to the one who gave such advice. Furthermore, if someone uttered Kufr, then the ruling of Kufr will also apply to the one who is pleased with that Kufr, because being pleased with Kufr is also Kufr.
  • 16. ‘If Allah had really existed, He would have helped the poor and supported those in debt.’

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