
Wednesday 7 February 2018

Fear Of Allah Almighty (اللہ تعالی کا خوف)

Sayyiduna Mansur bin Imamah RadiAllahu Ta'ala Anuhu Says that he had stopped in aplace at night time and he could hear someone screaming and crying and asking Allah for forgiveness so he stopped outside that persons house, the the one who was calling upon Allah, screaming and shouting and crying in the fear of Allah Jalla Wa Aala. 

He Says "O Allah, whenever I was sinning, not that I was unaware of You watching me - I knew You were watching me but Yaa Allah, You have given me so much ease in Dunya that it makes me brave in sinning. It is the ease that Youe given me.Do you know there comes a time in life when the signals stop comming... Remember that time in your life when you sinned and a punishment came immediately. That is a sign of a beloved of Allah. 

One who sins and Allah punishes him immediately. But then there comes a time if you keep insisting, if you keep sinning and you do not repent, there comes a time in your life When you sin and Allah stops punishing you and that is the greatest punishment. That is the greatest punishment for a person when the signals stop coming form Allah Jalla Wa Aala. Allah Jalla Wa Aala sends reminders, when He stops sending reminders that is a great punishment. So this person was saying " O Allah , the ease that You had given me had made me brave in sinning. Ya Allah, this is why I kept sinning. But O Allah, I sincerely ask for forgiveness." Now this person was calling upon Allah Jalla Wa Aala. Begging Allah Jalla Wa Aala for forgiveness. 

He was asking Allah to forgive him and he was shouting and screaming and making dua and shedding tears with the fear of Allah Jalla Wa Aala. Constantly, he was crying with the fear of Allah Jalla Wa Aala. Sayyiduna Mansur bin Imamah RadiAllahu Ta'ala Anhu said "I just remembered the Quranic verse about the fear of Allah and the punishment of Allah and he said "In Surah Tahrim, verse 6..." He said "I just recited that Quranic verse..." He said "I recited this verse of the Quran in Surah Tahrim." Which means 'O believers, save yourselves and your families from the fire of Hell. That fire the fuel of which is humans and rocks.' 

He said "The moment I recited this I heard someone fell to the ground and I heard that person scream and then I could not hear him after that." He said "I left from there and afterwards when I came back I saw a lot of people outside the house. People were crying and mourning the loss of that person and an old lady said 'There was a man who read verse 6 of Surah Tahrim in which the punishment of Allah Jalla Wa Aala is mentioned, that man is a murderer of my son because he recited this verse of the Quran and my son had so much fear of Allah Jalla Wa Aala. He should not have recited this verse of the Quran. It is him reciting the verse of the Quran that lead to the death of my son.' This man was suprised. He recited the verse of the Quran because he knew that this person was crying in the fear of Allah Jalla Wa Aala. So what happened? He said "I went home and went to sleep and I saw a person in my dream. 

He said to me 'Do you know I am the same person who was crying in the fear of Allah and you recited Surah Tahrim, because of that I died. That was the cause of my death.' Sayyiduna Mansur bin Imamah RadiAllahu Ta'ala Anhu said "How did Allah treat you? What happened to you? Where you forgiven or were you punished?" He said "Allah treated me the way he treated the martyrs of Badr." He said "How did Allah treat you like the way He treated the martyrs of Badr?" 

He Said "The martyrs of Badr were killed with the sword of the Kufar. And I was killed with the sword of Ishq. "This is Ishq. This is Love. He loved Allah Jalla Wa Aala. He was not crying only for the fear of punishment of Allah, he was crying with the love of allah because he feared the displeasure of allah Jalla Wa Aala. He was the true lover of Allah Jalla Wa Aala. This concept, constantly we will think about throughout the month of Ramadhan. Allah is watching. The moment your eyes want to look at haram, your ears want to listen to haram, your tongue wants to say something which is haram, constantly remind yourselves Allah is watching me.

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