
Monday 5 February 2018

Calling Of The Grave (قبر کی پوکار)

The Holy Companions Accompanied Rasulallah ﷺ In somebody's funeral. Sayyiduna Abu Huraira رضی اللہ عنہُ Says: When we reached the graveyard, Nabi Kareem ﷺ sat close to a grave and said; 

"Not even a single day passes without the announcement made by a grave in eloquent and clear voice that, O human you have forgot me, I am a house of loneliness, I am a house of strangeness, I am a house of Horror, I am a house of Insects, I am a house of frightening narrowness, except for the one for whom Allah Almighty made me specious," 

Then The Prophet of mankind ﷺ Said, 

"A grave is either a garden of paradise of a ditch of the Hell"

Some people were laughing, their teeth were coming into view, The Holy Prophet ﷺ Said,

"If you had abundantly remembered the death which is a terminator of pleasure, you would have been restrained from getting involved in such fun which is making you laugh."

Everyone's grave proclaims daily that is is a house of loneliness, it is a house where one has to live alone, and it is a house of insects. When a pious believers is buried, he is addressed by the grave like this:

"You are welcome here. I am happy to see you in here. Your were my favorite among those who walked over me, today you have come to me, you will be shown the course of my action, After this, the grave becomes as roomy as the man can see. On one side of his, the window of the Paradise opens, from where the air and fragrance ( of the Paradise) go on streaming towards the man in the grave."

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